Barbara Sarbin
Barbara Sarbin is the Director of Educational Programs for Something Good in the World. She is responsible for the overall running of educational programs, including not only the Earth School programs for homeschoolers, but also those for public schools and private groups, and all of the other SGITW projects: the Blue Star Youth Movement, the Children’s Peaceful Garden, the Sounds Good Music for Families workshops, the Turtle Island Summer Camp, and the Backyard Farmer. She also oversees the GET curriculum for all of the age groups.
Barbara has a BA in Theatre Arts with Honors from Brown University. She performed extensively as a professional actress and movement theatre artist, and has worked as an Artist-in-Residence in New York area public and private schools for over 25 years. For the past twelve years, she developed the Golden Education Template (GET) curriculum for Elementary and Middle School grades, and has been teaching homeschooled children inside of an “Earth As School” environment since 1998.